What's wrong with JBoss Tools? We use maven-eclipse-plugin + JBoss Tools,
works well so far...


On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 7:37 PM, Pedro Viegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been trying to build an environment for developing web applications
> that generate WAR files with a productive debug/development process.
> I'm using JBoss as the application server. Tomcat is a no go and Jetty has
> issues with some bytecode APIs I use.
> All is working fine in the traditional way. I package the WAR, deploy it to
> the server with the cargo plugin and test it.
> Through JBoss Eclipse Plugin I have debug and hotcode replacement for java
> classes, BUT not for JSPs!
> How can I make JBoss aware of JSP/CSS/JS changes?
> I have seen a bunch of examples for Tomcat and Jetty to indicate a path to
> the webapp folder.
> For JBoss the only solution so far has always included building an exploded
> WAR somewhere and point JBoss deploy URLs to it so it deploys them.
> Even the solution of using the war:inplace is not functional since JBoss
> deployer only scans WAR/JAR/EAR/etc files. A directory like
> "src/main/webapp" is simply ignored.
> All I wanted to do was deploy the application through Maven a Eclipse
> lanched debug JBoss instance and be able to change my JSP files and refresh
> them on the browser.
> As anyone been able to do this?
> Thanks,
> --
> Pedro Viegas
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Walking on water and developing software
> from a specification are easy if both are
> frozen.
> - Edward V. Berard

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