It is really very easy, you add the artifacts you want to include in the EAR as dependencies to the pom.xml. "Modules" refers not to Maven modules, but to the WARs and EJB-JARs that are included in the EAR.

If "dependencies" and "packaging" are relatively new for you, I recommend reading one of [0], [1] or especially [2].


Kent Närling wrote:
Can anyone please enlighten me how to use the EAR plugin?

The documentation is (as usual) a bit cryptic...

In the documentation it almost seems like the EAR project packaging can
contain sub-modules, but if I try to declare modules inside t I just get
errors?!? (aggregator projects require 'pom' as packaging)
But the configuration refers to "modules" (like ejb3 etc) ?

Also each EAR module refer to groupId and artifactId, from where?
I tried to build & install a separate jar project and then refer to it in
the EAR project, but nothing gets packaged?

Please anyone give me a few pointers...

Best regards,

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