Dear Sirs,

Currently I'm developing a webapp in eclipse running on a tomcat instance. When I edit a .html or a .java file in eclipse, the modification can be immediately observed (because Automatic building is turned on in Eclipse and I'm using a context file that specifies the docbase of the context as the ouput directory of Eclipse).

Now, I'd like to convert the project to use maven and preserve the above way of development. How to do this?

The problem is that if I place stuff into the /src/main/webapp directory, it does not get copied to /target/classes, which means I cannot use target/classes as the docbase of the context.

Since my pom specifies war as a packaging mode, /target/myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT contains the exploded WAR contents. If I specify this directory as a docbase for the tomcat context, everything works as intended, the only problem is that if I edit something in eclipse, the changes will be only visible after doing a mvn package..

Anyone has a solution for this?
What about Jetty, is there a solution for that too?

Best regards,

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