
I'm trying to replace the following ant target to build some microsoft
visual studio .net 2003 code. I am not a c++ person so I don't really know
what I am talking about! However there isn't any examples with the
"Devenv.com" on the maven native site (
http://mojo.codehaus.org/maven-native/native-maven-plugin/). I'm not sure if
the 2003 compiler is supported.

Thanks fore reading.... on with the ant script.

 <target name="build.exe" description="Compile to exe">
   <exec executable="Devenv.com" dir="${module.path}" failonerror="true">
     <arg line="/build release &quot;${module.name}.sln&quot;" />
   <copy file="${module.path}\Release\${module.name}.exe"
todir="${module.output.dir}" />

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