--- On Fri, 9/12/08, Wendy Smoak wrote:
> What are you trying to do by setting those values?  
> Preview it locally before deploying it?

That was the initial goal, but it's likely the final site will be deployed to a 
local directory location on the CI machine.

I've tried site:deploy with the following <distributionManagement> in the 
top-level POM in the hopes it would all get dumped to a directory in the parent 
site, but so far no joy; only the parent shows up.


The parent and two module POMs are at http://pastebin.com/m1c8573cc.

I'm assuming that there are multiple things wrong with what I'm doing (finally 
trying to figure out Maven) so any advice/criticisms/etc. are welcome.

I also tried site:stage-deploy, which created the following hierarchy:

                     .../deployed-site/(the parent project)

So I'd guess I'm just doing (one of many :) things all cow's legs up, 'cuz it's 


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