On Monday 29 September 2008 10:59:48 am Jason van Zyl wrote:
> There is no rsync access to central. But the crawling is doing the
> equivalent amount of damage.

I was suggesting creating a new public mirror that would be listable on 
as a public mirror.   Thus, it could be "pushed" from central like the other 
mirrors.      From there, people could rsync from that repo instead of 
central or ibiblio or such.

> There is no upside to using rsync over a repository manager.

I disagree.....

For one, with rsync, if the network goes down, and an artifact that a 
developer wants that hasn't yet been used is requested, nexus is useless.   
He's still stuck.   With an rsync everything is available.   This HAS bitten 
us.   We have several developers that work from home offices and thus have 
their own repo manager setup or similar (or maybe don't use one).   They 
develop stuff, commit some changes.   The nightly builds then run but due to 
network hickups, fail as the artifacts couldn't be retrieved since those 
builds are the first to ask for them.   Managers come running and screaming 
saying "maven sucks" cause the build fail.   Anything that keeps the managers 
from running to me screaming maven sucks is a good thing.   They don't care 
about repo managers, rsyncs, etc....   They just want their builds to not 
fail for stupid reasons.

Second, being a command line person, I like being able to login to the server 
and do something like "find . -name "*.pom" | xargs grep "somestring"" and 
such to find various things.  (I know, the repo managers have search things, 
but gui's suck)

Third, httpd can run and serve static files on some very lightweight hardware 
that cannot even begin to consider running java.   As such, it's much faster 
than Nexus or others.

Finally, this is the most important thing to me, each "mirrored" repository 
can be kept on a unique URL.   http://proxy/central, http://proxy/java.net, 
http://proxy/apache-incubator, http://proxy/apache-snapshot, etc....   Thus, 
I can be sure that poms that are checked in have the appropriate <repository> 
entries that can resolve artifacts from their proper location in the absense 
of any repo manager.    (Yes, Archiva can do this via the virtual 
repositories.   Archiva is the only repo manager I would consider using 
because of this.)

That said, there are a lot of advantages to using a repo manager as well.   I 
admit that.   But using a repo manager currently does not meet ALL 


> On 29-Sep-08, at 10:51 AM, Daniel Kulp wrote:
> > One thing I keep thinking about doing is creating a public mirror
> > that is
> > synced from central (it's a public mirror, thus, they would allow
> > that), but
> > provide rsync acess on some sort of paid agreement.   Maybe $5/month
> > or
> > possibly just a ontime $100 setup fee or similar.   Basically,
> > enough to
> > cover the bandwidth/hosting charges plus deter "everyone and their
> > mother"
> > from just rsyncing away.    Is that something that people would have
> > interest
> > in?
> >
> > If I only had the time to get it setup...   :-(
> >
> > Dan
> >

Daniel Kulp

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