Ok, thanks.

Wendy Smoak wrote:
On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Rusty Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After seeing the announcement of the new version of the Maven Resources
Plugin I naively thought I could simply do "mvn --update-plugins", but that
didn't do anything, other than give me an error from not having a pom.xml in
the directory I was in (and then it simply rebuilt my project when I chdir'd
to to a directory with one).

So next I removed the Resources Plugin directory in my ~/.m2 local
repository and ran "mvn package" and that downloaded the plugin, but version

It depends on what version of Maven you're using.  As of 2.0.9, many
of the plugins are locked down in the super pom inside Maven.  To get
a newer version, you'll need to declare it and specify the version you
want.  An organization- or project-level parent pom is a good place to
do this, and will keep a later upgrade of Maven client from changing
your builds.

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