
  First of all, if you are using m2eclipse, you should stop using
eclipse:eclipse plugin and just import your Maven projects into eclipse
using Maven Projects import wizard provided by m2eclipse. The
eclipse:eclipse or eclipse:m2eclipse will most likely break project
configuration for m2eclipse, especially if you run it when project is
already in Eclipse.

  The FAQ entry you referred to describes the proper way to configure
resource folder in the IDE from the m2eclipse point of view. Is there
anything in that FAQ entry require clarification? I suppose there are other
proper ways to configure resource folders in Eclipse, but they are not
applicable to the projects managed by m2eclipse.

  In regard to your issue, it is possible that you might be hitting into
known issue, namely
  To verify that it is the case, you can check content of your
target/classes and target/test-classes folders and see if your resources are
there (assuming that you dud run Maven / Update project configuration and
Maven builder is enabled). If they are there, but your tests can't find
resources, check the command line and actual classpath used by your launch
configuration in Eclipse (so you may have to recreate your launch
configuration), see
  Anyway, the current workaround for this issue is to run Project / Clean...
action on your project to force Maven build. You also need to make sure to
run refresh in Eclipse after you run any maven commands from the command
  Hope that helps.

  BTW, it is better ti use m2eclipse users mailing list for questions
related to m2eclipse. You can subscribe at


Gopal Patwa wrote:
> I am using Eclipse 3.4 , m2eclipse 0.9.6 and I have all default settings
> I have read the FAQ about this
> After importing project all resource folder are excluded in eclipse, when
> I use mvn eclipse:eclipse this resource folder are added to classpath
> properly.
> I was wondering how I can add this resource file in classpath in eclipse
> without manually removing exclusion for each module in build path.
> I have spring application context in src/main/resource folder and in my
> test class they get loaded from classpath 
> "classpath:application-context.xml"
> It will work fine if I use like this "classpath*:application-context.xml"
> to load context but it will load from local installed jar of same module.
> But I have to always install this module first if I add any new bean to
> this application context and want to make available in my test class. 
> Even I tried updating project configuration but did noy help
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