Hi guys....thought I would revisit this issue, as I still believe it is a bug.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Emmanuel Venisse
> Yes, it's a common problem on CI server but on developer workstation too if
> builds are intensive.
> About CI server, it is necessary to clean sometimes old snapshots because
> they are generally not used. Continuum have this features since 1.2, I don't
> know for other CI servers and if they doesn't exist, a cron job is necessary
> to do the clean.

I understand that, in general, snapshots will build up in a local
repository...this is expected behaviour. And a option for a CI server
to clean these up is a good thing, but I am talking about a specific

> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 2:03 PM, Baptiste MATHUS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Craig,
>> Well, no, I don't think the bug you're referring to is related.
>> Your problem is a quite common one.
>> See this bug http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-233 and the
>> dependency:purge-local-repository goal of the maven-dependency-plugin.
>> You will also find interesting relating information here:
>> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1693. In fact, though it's a
>> continuum bug, it's not a problem limited to this continuous integration
>> server.

I looked at both these issues. http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-233
is related, but doesn't address my issue.
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-1693 may or may not be
talking about the same thing, but is lacking in details.

I am talking about the specific situation of a multi-module snapshot
project build where the dependencies of a given module X exist
alongside it in the reactor. In this scenario, with 2.0.9, maven will
download the previous snapshots of X's dependencies into the local
repository using a timestamped filename, even though *it is about to
build to them*. This behaviour seems most definitely wrong because it
is possible to delete all of the dependencies listed in the reactor
from the local repository, then build in offline mode, and the build
will succeed. In this case you get the warning from maven saying:

"The dependency X can't be resolved but has been found in the reactor.
etc, etc."

This issue causes problems because everytime the CI builds the
multi-module project, it downloads the previous build, causing rapid
buildup of snapshots. It shouldn't do this - it should simply
*overwrite* the previous build with a *non-timestamped* snapshot

Anyway, if no one else knows anything about this, I guess I will put
together an example project and take it further on
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-233. Actually, I should probably
test the upcoming 2.0.10 builds...there is every chance it has already
been addressed, knowingly or unknowingly.


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