On Tuesday 11 November 2008 M Gomez wrote:
> Hi !
> I`m using the guide of DSpace 1.5.1, in the
> http://www.dspace.org/1_5_1Documentation/ . In the section 3.2.3.
> Installation, I did the step 3, a) to install the ojdbc14.jar (with "mvn
> install:install-file -Dfile=ojdbc14.jar ... "),

According to the error message from below, this step (installation of 
ojdbc14.jar) went wrong. Did it bring up any errors? Do you have the 
ojdbc14- file in you local repository (~/.m2/repository/...)?

As Wayne wrote in his mail, it's probably better to ask on a DSpace related 

- martin

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