The reporting plugin / plugin interaction is a known issue. It's not easy to 
solve in the current 2.0.x code and I chose to release it anyway pending a more 
thorough fix down the road. Use case 3 is the only time it should show up.

The problem is that when you run site lifecycle phases, the reporting plugins 
are injected into the model in the plugin section, so there's no way for me to 
tell them apart. There's an open jira for this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Stolwijk [] 
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 9:28 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Enforce plugin versions and reporting plugins

I've been trying to enforce my plugin versions with the enforcer
plugin and this works fine for plugins used during the build, but I am
a bit confused about the plugins used by the reporting section.

A few cases:

1. Declare reporting plugin in reporting section without a version
     -Enforcer plugins fails on plugin without a version
     - help:effective-pom doesn't show a version

2. Declare reporting plugin in reporting section with a version
    - Enforcer plugin doesn't complain.
    - help:effective-pom shows the version

3. Declare reporting plugin in reporting section without a version and
declare a build/pluginmanagement/plugin with a version
    - Enforcer plugin doesn't complain.
    - help:effective-pom doesn't show a version

Especially use case 3 seems a bit off.

I know of the issues with missing reporting/pluginmanagment tag, but
can this be solved in the requirepluginversions rule?

With regards,

Nick Stolwijk
~Java Developer~

Iprofs BV.
Claus Sluterweg 125
2012 WS Haarlem

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