On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 6:20 AM, Nick Stolwijk <nick.stolw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I think you missed the comment about overlay/flatten/shade the dev1
> and dev2 modules.
> What are you going to do with the jars of dev1 and dev2?
> 1) Use it as dependencies for other maven modules
> In this case you don't need to do anything special, the common modules
> will end up as a transitive dependency for the other modules, so it
> should be packed when generating a war or ear.
> 2) Use it standalone
> Take a look at the Maven Shade Plugin [1]
> [1] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-shade-plugin/

Shade plugin is probably the most flexible, although last time I used it,
the documentation was pretty sparse.  You've also got the maven assembly
plugin, which I believe can accomplish simpler versions of the same thing:

And probably the simplest: jar-with-dependencies, which is part of the the
assembly plugin, but requires less config:

Geoffrey Wiseman

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