I have a simple aggregator pom which defines a number of modules which are
located in the directory directly beneath them.  The site generated for the
aggregator seems to know that it should care about it's modules (a modules
section appears on the generated target/site/index.html, but it has no items
listed).  The "child" sites has no modules menu item at all (as expected).
I have no site.xml, so I am looking for default behavior here for now.
Below is a minimal example which shows the behavior.

Java version: 1.5.0_16
OS name: "mac os x" version: "10.5.6" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"

Tested with both:
Maven 2.0.9 with maven-site-plugin 2.0-beta-6
Maven 2.0.10 with maven-site-plugin 2.0-beta-7

directory layout:


  <name>Top Level Site Test</name>


  <name>Second Level Site Test</name>

Am I missing a critical configuration stanza here?  I can't find anything in
the plugin docs or FAQs which suggest that I need anything if I'm not trying
to customize the output.

Brian M. Carr
Identity and Access Management
ITS Applications
University of Texas at Austin
V: 512-232-6419
F: 512-471-5746

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