The Site Plugin doesn't add links to modules by default. This is
something you have to configure. Add a small site.xml to your aggregator
project like this:

    <menu ref="modules" />

See more about the site descriptor here:

Carr, Brian M wrote:
> I have a simple aggregator pom which defines a number of modules which are
> located in the directory directly beneath them.  The site generated for the
> aggregator seems to know that it should care about it's modules (a modules
> section appears on the generated target/site/index.html, but it has no items
> listed).  The "child" sites has no modules menu item at all (as expected).
> I have no site.xml, so I am looking for default behavior here for now.
> Below is a minimal example which shows the behavior.
> Versions:
> Java version: 1.5.0_16
> OS name: "mac os x" version: "10.5.6" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"
> Tested with both:
> Maven 2.0.9 with maven-site-plugin 2.0-beta-6
> Maven 2.0.10 with maven-site-plugin 2.0-beta-7
> directory layout:
> site-test
> |-pom.xml
> |-site-two
> |-\-pom.xml
> |-site-three
> |-\-pom.xml
> site-test/pom.xml:
> <project>
>   <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>   <groupId>com.example</groupId>
>   <artifactId>site-test</artifactId>
>   <name>Top Level Site Test</name>
>   <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>   <packaging>pom</packaging>
>   <modules>
>     <module>site-two</module>
>     <module>site-three</module>
>   </modules>
> </project>
> site-two/pom.xml:
> <project>
>   <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>   <groupId>com.example</groupId>
>   <artifactId>site-two</artifactId>
>   <name>Second Level Site Test</name>
>   <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>   <packaging>jar</packaging>
> </project>
> Am I missing a critical configuration stanza here?  I can't find anything in
> the plugin docs or FAQs which suggest that I need anything if I'm not trying
> to customize the output.
> --b
> ______________________________
> Brian M. Carr
> Identity and Access Management
> ITS Applications
> University of Texas at Austin
> V: 512-232-6419
> F: 512-471-5746

Dennis Lundberg

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