Can you have them set an environment variable to the folder into which they
unzipped? there might be a way to make that work.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Jeremy Sager <>wrote:

> Hi everyone -
> I appreciate any help that might be offered on this topic. I have
> researched
> this on google and have not been able to find an answer, so I'm hoping you
> guys can throw something out there to help, or point to a place I missed on
> the web that contains the correct information.
> I have a need for people to be able to execute a maven build against my
> project from source that is copied onto their machine.
> For government security reasons, the machine does not have internet access,
> and the people executing the build have no maven expertise.
> I include a copy of my repository within the zip file that contains the
> source code. I include a settings.xml file that tells maven to execute in
> offline mode, and points to a local repository.
> I then give the end users a single command that they execute from their
> shell, and everything works... except for one problem.
> The localRepository I specify in settings.xml does not seem to accept a
> relative path. The relative path to the local repo I've sent them will
> always remain the same.
> Alternatively to figuring out the relative path in the settings file I
> point
> them to, I am quite content to change what I'm doing on the command line,
> as
> in mvn -o -Dmaven.local-repo=foo/bar/repository. However, from what I've
> seen maven.local-repo no longer works.
> The goal is to give these guys a zip of my source, which includes my
> repository (thanks to the assembly plugin), and have them unzip and be able
> to run with a single command line. Again, they have no local repo and no
> internet access.
> One final point. If I use an absolute path to the repository in
> settings.xml, everything works great.
> Any advice is appreciated, and thank you for your time.
> Jeremy

-- Lee Meador
Sent from gmail. My real email address is lee AT

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