On 19 Mar 2009, at 09:19, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 19/03/2009, Rusty Wright <rusty.wri...@gmail.com> wrote:
Do the imports only have an effect at compile time? For example, if you

 package impl.zzz;

 import api.yyy.Yyy;

 public class Xyz implements Yyy {

When you run the app the jvm won't need to have the yyy.Yyy class

Yes, that's what I wrote.

At runtime:
- annotation jars are not needed
- code jars are needed, but they may be different from the ones used to compile.

Can I get back to my original question, which is:

How does one express a dependency on a jar which is only needed at
compile time, such that the dependency is not propagated?

Mark it as <optional>true</optional> ?

Optional dependencies appear on the compilation classpath but afaik won't be propagated to dependent projects..

Even if that's true it seems dubious to me because it seems to me that that means your code is always referring to the concrete class Xyz when it should
be using the interface Yyy.  For example, how could you do

 Yyy y = new Xyz();

Would that run without the interface class on the classpath?

sebb wrote:

On 18/03/2009, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:

AIUI, "compile" scope means compile, test and run, and generates a
transitive dependency.

There are some dependencies that are compile-time only, for example
annotations, and Java specification jars - i.e. API-only jars that
have no implementation.

What is the best way to define such a dependency?

The Maven site suggests using "provided", but this does not solve the

Maybe there should be a"compile-only" scope?

Note that in the case of annotation jars, these are not needed at

In the case of API-only jars, at run-time one would use a different
jar which has the full implementation. This is useful for public specs
which might not have open source implementations. The API-only jars
allow one to compile.

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