How is doing the m2eclipse/q4e plugins (these are now for me references on
how to integrate eclipse and maven).

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Jörg Schaible <>wrote:

> Hi Barrie,
> Barrie Treloar wrote at Mittwoch, 29. April 2009 09:03:
> > On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Jörg Schaible <>
> > wrote:
> >> Arnaud HERITIER wrote at Donnerstag, 16. April 2009 10:42:
> >>
> >>> Hi Community,
> >>> The recent release 2.6 of the maven-eclipse-plugin created many
> problems
> >>> for all of those who had/wanted to store non-java files under
> src/*/java
> >>> (which is required for wicket, ajdt, and probably others usecases).
> >>> Even we have many integration tests in this plugin we didn't notice
> this
> >>> issue because our testcases allow us to check that generated
> >>> configuration files aren't evolving and that we are able to import and
> >>> use a project in eclipse (too heavy to do).
> >>
> >> Regarding the new classpath ordering invented with 2.6, can you please
> >> comment again in MECLIPSE-544 for my proposal (I mention it here, since
> >> the issue is already closed). A classpath order like
> >>
> >> src/test/resource
> >> src/main/java
> >> src/test/java
> >> src/main/resource
> >>
> >> Will solve also the test "resources first" problem. Since Eclipse will
> >> complain anyway if you have to classes with the same name in
> >> src/main/java and src/test/java, their order does not really matter for
> >> Eclipse projects.
> >
> > What is wrong with having a classpath that matches Maven?
> Because every developer I've seen using the new plugin immediately thinks
> something is broken after refreshing the IDE. And when you explain them the
> situation, most of them moan about opening always the wrong node looking
> for the code. Actually, it is confusing, since Maven projects are now even
> more alienated in Eclipse as usual.
> > Since "mvn test" will fail with a different error than Eclipse with
> > your suggestion.
> Not really. It simply means that you created a situation (class files with
> same name in target/classes and target/test-classes) that is always
> reported as error in Eclipse and it does not matter which path comes first
> in this situation. In contrast will Maven simply compile, possibly even run
> the tests and actually behaves therefore always different. For an own test
> simply create a class Foo in src/main/java and interface Foo in
> src/test/java.
> Therefore I'd rather like to have my generated .classpath file to match
> what
> I'm used since years. I'd be willing to change my habits if there's
> actually a necessity, but obviously it is not.
> - Jörg
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