Hi people,

I released last night the latest version of flexmojos, version 3.2.0.

Release notes:

This release was mainly focused on improving the unit test support.  The
greatest new is for Linux headless machines (CI servers).  Now flexmojos
will automatically launch Xvfb to run the tests.  It is only necessary to
have xvfb-run installed.

Fork mode for unit test is now configurable.

> <configuration>

  <forkMode>once</forkMode><!-- valid values once and always, default once
> -->


Fork once means all unit test classes will be compiled into a single SWF
file, and all tests will be run at once.
Fork always means one SWF per unit test classes.  This is very helpful on
automated UI tests using flexmonkey.

Changes on html-wrapper mojo too, it does now interpolate all files on the
template.  On previous versions it only interpolate the index.template.html.

Optimization is now available to SWF projects too.  Now, if for any reason
you need to optimize your SWF that can be done using optimizer mojo.

That is it.  For 3.3 we are planning some improvements on ActionScript

Stay tunned.


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