Where is the documentation on the parameters you can pass for unit testing?
I am especially looking for setting the test timeout (FLEXMOJOS-67).



2009/5/8 Marvin Froeder <velo...@gmail.com>

> Hi people,
> I released last night the latest version of flexmojos, version 3.2.0.
> Release notes:
> https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/FLEXMOJOS/fixforversion/10296
> This release was mainly focused on improving the unit test support.  The
> greatest new is for Linux headless machines (CI servers).  Now flexmojos
> will automatically launch Xvfb to run the tests.  It is only necessary to
> have xvfb-run installed.
> https://docs.sonatype.org/display/FLEXMOJOS/Running+unit+tests
> Fork mode for unit test is now configurable.
> > <configuration>
>  <forkMode>once</forkMode><!-- valid values once and always, default once
> > -->
> </configuration>
> Fork once means all unit test classes will be compiled into a single SWF
> file, and all tests will be run at once.
> Fork always means one SWF per unit test classes.  This is very helpful on
> automated UI tests using flexmonkey.
> Changes on html-wrapper mojo too, it does now interpolate all files on the
> template.  On previous versions it only interpolate the
> index.template.html.
> Optimization is now available to SWF projects too.  Now, if for any reason
> you need to optimize your SWF that can be done using optimizer mojo.
> That is it.  For 3.3 we are planning some improvements on ActionScript
> generation.
> Stay tunned.

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