Oh ... I do have the plugins locked down except for two that I just found
courtesy of the Versions plugin. Source and Deploy plugins weren't locked
down. I think I updated to the latest release on SureFire plugins too.


-- Lee

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 10:12 PM, Lee Meador <l...@leemeador.com> wrote:

> I have a test that is suddenly failing in 2.1.0 but only when I do a site
> build.
> The test is a little wierd in that it is testing some code that makes the
> 2nd thread to enter a method pause with a thread wait until the 1st thread
> to enter is finished. To do this the test makes up a couple of runnables,
> starts one, waits a bit and starts the other and makes sure the 2nd thread
> in takes longer to run than it otherwise would. This wasn't something I got
> right the first time. (The way Java decides what thread to run and when
> isn't immediately obvious to my mind at least.)
> I know that this isn't the final word on testing thread stuff.
> But the test works on multi and single CPU workstations under Windows XP
> and on a VmWare vm under Linux (RHE 4.2) so I haven't worried about it. Its
> been okay for a year or so under Maven 2.0.7 and 2.0.8.
> Further, it runs on all those machines when not doing the site build. (mvn
> clean install site)
> My first thought has to do with reports using instrumentation and such
> which causes the tests run multiple times. So I have turned off the
> Dashboard Report and the Cobertura Report first.
> Before I go through all the pain of taking out reports until it starts
> working I was wondering if this rung any bells with any of you. Clues are
> good. Answers are better. Whatever someone finds. (Oh, it runs for 32
> minutes before failing so taking out reports trial and error takes forever.
> There is a parent POM and a whole bunch of its children building a RAR and
> an EAR.)
> Thanks.
> -- Lee Meador

-- Lee Meador
Sent from gmail. My real email address is lee AT leemeador.com

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