the StudioEclipseMojo updates (with updateManifest method)
here is the code:
+                       final List<Artifact> artifactList = 
+                       // Update Bundle-Classpath in MANIFEST.MF
+                       updateManifest(artifactList);

+       private void updateManifest(final List<Artifact> list)
+                       throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+               final File manifestFile = new File(project.getBasedir(),
+                               "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
+               // Build Bundle-ClassPath entry
+               final StringBuilder bundleClasspath = new StringBuilder(" .");
+               for (Artifact artifact : list) 
//append all the filenames found in the list...
+                       bundleClasspath.append(",").append(NEWLINE).append(" 
+                                       artifact.getFile().getName());
+               }

//as long as the scope is NOT provided the outputted list will include the item
+       private List<Artifact> createArtifactList() {
+               List<Artifact> list = new ArrayList<Artifact>();
+               for (Iterator<Artifact> artifactItem = project.getArtifacts()
+                               .iterator(); artifactItem.hasNext();) {
+                       Artifact artifact = (Artifact);
+                       if (!artifact.getScope().equalsIgnoreCase("provided")) {
+                               list.add(artifact);
+                       }
+               }
+               return list;
+       }

usually a build engineer builds one version of source for 1.0 named 
next iteration which is version 1.1 may be called 1.1 named module-1.1-src.jar

same with binaries which do not have a -src suffix for the same set of deployed 
jars containing config and .class
 usually a build engineer builds one version of source for 1.0 named 

next iteration which is version 1.1 may be called 1.1 named module-1.1.jar

at the very least I would update which represents all 
characteristics of that jar with 'classifier' although that clearly breaks 
naming convention most (of us) developers are used to

does this help?
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> From:
> To:
> Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 11:40:04 -0700
> Subject: Generating a jar multiple times using classifiers
> Hi,
> How do people approach the need to generate a jar multiple times using 
> classifiers.
> My specific requirement is that I have a module which needs to be built 
> against Axis2 1.3 and Axis2 1.4 and have 2 jars in the repo with distinct 
> classifiers.
> I can get this to work using profiles but this only ever runs the module once 
> and then I have to run again with a different profile.
> I've been thinking of generating a src package for the module and then define 
> two new modules that depend on the src dependency and thus build out the 
> required artifact and both artifacts would be deployed during the release 
> phase as well
> Thanks,
> Robert

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