Using Maven 2.2.0, the behavior remains the same as with Maven
2.0.9. Moreover, if you remove the dependency on
net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:1.6.0 from the pom file for "htmlunitbug", then
the test passes (with the original pom files for hibernate-ehcache
hibernate-parent referencing commons-logging version 99).

In summary, there is strong evidence that common-logging 99 is not the
culprit here.

Can it be that the various dependencies, some in test scope and some
in runtime scope, are confusing Maven's dependency resolution

Ceki Gulcu wrote:

Lucas Bergman wrote:
Dennis Lundberg wrote:

That is your problem. What this does is mess the dependency-tree. It
removes commons-logging from the dependency tree because that
version "99.0-..." is larger than the latest current release of
commons-logging.  The "99.0-..." version should *never ever* reach
end users. It can *only* be used by internal project.

Thanks for the input.  Are you saying that the dependency of the
hibernate-ehcache POM on commons-logging 99.0-does-not-exist is a bug?
I'm sympathetic to that view, but I just want to be sure.  To be sure,
it seems foolish for the Hibernate developers to put something like
this in a library's POM, since it would seem to impose their kludge
on the programmer using the library.

Of course, we fixed our particular problem by adding an <exclusion>
for commons-logging from our hibernate-ehcache dependency.


I was able to reproduce the dependency resolution issue with the help
of a small test project called "htmlunitbug" as supplied by Lucas
Bergman in his message [1] dated "26 Jun 2009 11:46:32 -0500".

However, I appears that commons-logging version 99 is not the culprit
as it is *not* involved in the resolution of commons-logging within
"htmlunitbug", the test application supplied by Lucas. At least, the
output of "mvn -X test" never mentions version 99. As further proof, I
have removed any references to version 99 in the pom files for
hibernate-ehcache and hibernate-parent, with the same results.

Just as importantly, the pom files for hibernate-ehcache and
hibernate-parent reference commons-logging version 99 in *scope*
*test*. Given that the test scope is not transitive, and given that
even after removing references to version 99, "htmlunitbug" still
fails, it would be premature to incriminate version 99. Something else
is afoot here.


-- Lucas

Ceki Gülcü
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