Hi Paul.

Thanks for the reply. I think your right and I am a little confused about
what I need here.

At the moment I'm just looking to send mms messages, but later receiving
would be good.

I had started mmsbox with the conf file I attached earlier

mmsbox /user/local/etc/mbuni/mmsc.conf

which spits out a bunch of debug statement but stays running.

So assuming I have compiled the extra library correctly and got all the
custom options right, how am I supposed to let mmsbox I have a message I
want to send? I was using mmsend as I couldn't see another way to inject the
message into the system.



> From: Paul Bagyenda <bagye...@dsmagic.com>
> Subject: Re: [Users] mmsbox mmsc via cell phone
> To: users@mbuni.org
> Message-ID: <84357aa7-5846-4d62-96a4-3e142fbd5...@dsmagic.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hi,
>  If you want to send/receive with a GPRS modem, you want to use
> mmsbox. mmssend belongs to the MMSC component. A little confusing I
> know, but the two modes of operation are different for good reasons.
>  There is a module in the extras/ folder that you want to use, to set
> up a connection (via modem) to the operator mmsc.
> Paul.
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