Hmm, have a look at the UDP server example.

Don't think this is a problem. AFAIK.

If I got it correctly, I would have something like this

Create  an NIO Acceptor (say A1)
Create a NIO Connector (say C1)
receive data on A1
send a command via C1
maintain that command state in some cache or hashtable
receive response via A1
in the IOHandler, get the data from cache/hashtable

Hope it helps. Correct me if I have got the problem incorrectly


On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Rodrigo Hernandez
Soares<> wrote:
> Hello.
> After all, please, forgive my english.
> I have this scenario:
> A server with a DatagramSocket, which receives periodic positioning messages
> (byte[]) from a gps tracker device (udp + gprs communication).
> Eventually i need to send commands (byte[]) to the device. To perform this
> task, i create a new DatagramSocket in the server. The problem is:
> the response to my command arrives through the other DatagramSocket, instead
> of arrives through the new Socket.
> That problem, in a multi-thread scenario, prevents the response to arrives
> to the correct sender (thread).
> Can MINA solve my problem?
> Thanks!


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