On 01/11/2010 06:32 PM, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
David Rosenstrauch a écrit :

May be checking for the socket idleness every X minutes could help to close the orphan sockets ?

I'm not clear on what you mean by this. How would I do a check like that in MINA? Are you suggesting adding some sort of ping/pong logic? If not, then perhaps you could point me to some sample code that illustrates what you mean?
You can a SessionIdle event that can be used for that purpose. A session is considered Idle if nothing happened for it during one second, and the event is generated. I guess you can count the number of idle event you received up to a point you consider the session dead. Also you can consider that if all the sessions has received a Idle state, then something is probably going wrong.

You can set the expected maximum idle time for a session using SessionConfig.setIdleTime( IdleStatus, long) (IdleStatus is used for READ, WRITE or BOTH)

Btw, some interesting reading : http://mindprod.com/jgloss/socket.html#DISCONNECT

Helpful pointers.  Thanks Emmanuel.

I also noticed MINA's KeepAliveFilter. Perhaps that might be some help here too.

Thanks again,


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