Hello, Brendan & Emmanuel,

Sorry for joining the discussion too late. I am just interested on the
details since we have also Mina-based application with high read/write

Our clients issue queries and wait for respose. A client does not
issue new query until it receives a respose. We use single session for
a multithreaded client.

Emmanuel, as far I understood, IoProcessor loops until it has
something to read for a session. When it finishes, it starts writing
and writes until it has something to write?

Brendan, do your clients interact with the server and do not wait for
a response? Did you try two separate sessions, one for incoming
messages and another for outgoing ones?

Seems like we must also investigate the possibility of separating
in/out message queues.

Also, when using ExecutorFilter and several IoProcessors for both in
and out queues, we, theoretically, may additionally achive speedup due
to the load disribution. This is when only read first and only write
after that sequence takes place inside a single session (i.e. for
session 1 we can read while for session 2 we can write concurrently
with different IoProcessors).

Emmanuel, is it true: IoProcessor will not forward on to the next
outgoing message until its buffer will not be comletely written to the
network or system buffer or smth else?

If so, having N big responses that must go through the same sessiion
and large enough buffer, and, say 40 ms to transfer each, the first
client will receive the response in (approx) 40 ms, the next in 80 ms,
3rd in 120 ms, etc.
Is it correct? If so, is there a way to have several threads writing
to the same session concurrently (since in any way we have multicore

What do you think?


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