SSHD does not provide an interactive shell you can use and does not really
aim to do so anyway.
I would have a look at jline2, it's the one we use in Karaf.  Jline
provides completion, history, key bindings, etc...
ROughly, you need to create a jline ConsoleReader by using the streams
provided by SSHD and then configure it by registering commands, completers,
I'd suggest you have a look at Karaf, and then eventually grab some of its
code if you don't want OSGi at all, but the easiest would surely to just
reuse Karaf.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Ioan Eugen Stan <>wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm working on a SSH Honeypot and using SSHD as a server. I need help
> figuring out how can I have for example command completion and the
> ability to tamper with some commands (choose between executing,
> delaying or faking their execution - not running them and returning
> some other data)
> Right now I managed to create a server that can execute commands and
> can open a Shell connection where I can type in commands. The server
> echoes them back but does not display them.
> I know it's possible, but the lack of documentation is killing me so
> any help is appreciated.
> Cheers,
> --
> Ioan Eugen Stan

Guillaume Nodet
FuseSource, Integration everywhere

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