Le 01/09/15 15:23, Leonardo D'Alimonte a écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> we have a web application based on Apache MINA 2.0.9 for transports of TCP
> messages, recently it suffered for a memory leak, JDK version is 1.6.0_45
> Analyzing the heap dump, I found a ConcurrentLinkedQueue inside a
> NioSocketSession sized 844MB and more...
> You can find attached here a screenshot taken with MAT.
> We have our IoHandlerAdapter that doesn't handle session IDLE events, but
> counters inside NioSocketSession for read/write events are set to 0.
> Sessions to our device managed by this HandlerAdapter are created only to
> send messages, we don't receive any message back..

Blind guess : the messages you write are never actually sent, they are
just enqueued. Check that the remote peer receive them, and if notn then
you should check if the session is still active before sending more

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