
I just downloaded myfaces-1.0.8, currently I'm looking into myfaces to add
some components to a web-application I've built upon suns jsf-implementation
(namely file-upload, calendar and html-editor) - however, if i got it right,
myfaces is a complete re-write of the sun implementation and also implements
the standard components like <h:selectManyMenu> etc. - are the
implmentations compatible? Can I just move my existing web-app onto the
myfaces implementations and expect everything to work as before? 

Or, if i put it the other way round: Is there a way to pick only some of the
myfaces-components and deploy them in a web-app based on suns
jsf-implementation (which looks a little bit safer to me)? 

And some practical questions: Deploying the myfaces-examples.war on a
tomcat5.5 only gives me empty pages (<html><body></body></html>) with
absolutely no messages in the log. I looked into web.xml, there is lots of
stuff uncommented - is this supposed to work out of the box or are there
things to fix before it runs?!


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