I'm still learning about JSF (Core Java Server Faces) and was wondering how
to add two types of security.   I've tried searching the list archives at
marc.theaimsgroup.com, used search engines (i.e. Google), and even tried
checking out the old and myfaces sites (wiki, javadoc, jira, etc.).  I
couldn't find what I was looking for so here are my 2 security related Faces

1. How can I access my JSP files if I hide them under /WEB-INF?  I am a
current Struts developer (thinking of moving to MyFaces and Shale) and
access my pages through Actions so I can keep my JSP's hidden from prying
eyes in /WEB-INF/pages.  I haven't figured out how to do that with MyFaces

2. Does anyone have suggestions on how to do SSL switching like the Struts
SSLExt package?  I would like some links to be forced to go to a secure
(HTTPS) URL [true], while others are HTTP only [false] and some are allowed
to be both [any].  SSLExt(.sourceforge.net) has that for Struts but don't
(yet?) see how to do that with MyFaces/JSF.

Thank you for any constructive suggestions.


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