This reminds me of something I was thinking about this
morning. I will start by saying at the outset that I
am very new to JSF and have not yet wrapped myself
entirely around all aspects of the technology.
However, with what I am familiar with to date, I think
JSF represents generally a good step for the Java
Community. Overall, I feel that this was a positive
step in aggregating framework technologies and
providing an answer to MS's ASP.NET. However, I think
we've missed a subtle turn in the road and have since
been veering down the wrong path. 

JSF needs to go further to encourage users to develop
their own components and, allow for those components
to be easily integrated or consumed by JSF Framework
implementations. With the present situation (AFAIK), I
have to make a choice on an implementation and am
limited to the components provided by that
implementation (unless I develop my own components
using that framework's APIs). There is no way to use
ADF components and MyFaces within the same
JSF-Distribution/Runtime. In other words, I can't run
ADF and incorporate MyFaces components or, vice-versa.

I would like to see core frameworks that differentiate
themselves on backend functionality such as
performance, configuration techniques, and integration
capabilities. These frameworks would include only a
standard set of UI components. Vendors would then
distribute their more appealing component sets as a
standalone package. Applications would inform the
JSF-Implementation about components it wants to load
and use through its faces-config.xml file. So, perhaps
I might add the following entries to faces-config.xml:

<component-set name="AquaHtml" vendor="CompanyX"
   <component name="ahCalendar"
registrationClass="com.companyx.ah.reg.Calendar" />

That would then make a new JSF tag available as
"<prefix:ahCalendar />" where prefix is defined by the
TLD import directive. 

I think this would create an environment where you
have fewer JSF implementations but, a much more active
world of components and component development. 

Thoughts? Can we already do this with JSF? Did I miss


Brian A.

--- Werner Punz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mariano Petrakovsky wrote:
> > I won't create a component like selectManyShuttle
> of ADF Component.
> > Is posible in short time?
> > 
> Depends on how good you are at the api, have you
> created components 
> already. If not give yourself a few days to learn
> the componet api and
> to try yourself on a few test components.
> If you dont have the time, checking out the
> x:aliasBean might solve
> your problem also for the short term.
> (Tiles also might solve your problem)

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