John Fallows wrote:

On your point about aggregation - it is fair comment to say that JSF
needs to go further to simplify the definition of aggregated component
sets (and renderkits).  This is why most people who write components
simply do not specify a custom renderkit-id, and are automatically
included with the standard HtmlBasic RenderKit.

Not only the definition, once you move away from myfaces to pure
JSF, you run into many leaks which were left open intentionally
to give the tool vendors hooks to plugin their own apis/and or differentiate themselves, it is the summation of leaks in the specs and mechanisms of how to glue things which makes things unneccesary hard not a single aspect.

In the end the JSF people shoot themselves in the foot that way.
A harder to grasp api makes less people wanting to jump on the bandwagon, and less free components and less third party vendors provide component packs.

There is definitely a lot which has to be done on the component side of things to simplify things and make that api accessible also for people who dont want to dig into a huge config file mess, holes left standing intentionally api.

Same goes for the entire RAD API issue, which was left totally open intentionally :-(

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