I liked your solution because it would allow me to use the manage-properties as managed properties of converters .  However dug a little deeper into the UIComponent that is passed to getAsObject and get what I needed HtmlSelectOneMenu -> UISelectItems -> SelectItem -> the object -> the object's name .  Attached is the code.

Dennis Byrne
        public static String getClassNameByUISelectItems(UISelectItems 
                List selectedItemsList ;
                SelectItem selectItem ;
                String className = null;
                selectedItemsList = (List)uISelectItems.getValue();
                for(int i = 0 ; i < selectedItemsList.size(); i++){
                        selectItem = (SelectItem)selectedItemsList.get(i);
                        if(className == null){
                                className = 
                                        // this means there are SelectItems 
wrapping more than one type
                                        // of object ... the dynamic converter 
cannot perform magic!!
                                        throw new ConverterException();
                return className;
        public static String getClassNameByUIComponent(UIComponent uIComponent){
                Iterator iterator ;
                Object child ;
                UISelectItems uISelectItems ;
                if(uIComponent instanceof HtmlSelectOneMenu){
                        for(iterator = uIComponent.getChildren().iterator(); 
                                child = iterator.next();
                                if(child instanceof UISelectItems){
                                        uISelectItems = (UISelectItems)child;
                return null;
        public Object getAsObject(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent uIComponent, 
String id)
                        throws ConverterException {
                String shortName ; 
                String identifier;
                MappingUtilImpl mappingUtil;
                String hql ;
                Object object;
                String className;
                className = getClassNameByUIComponent(uIComponent);
                mappingUtil = (MappingUtilImpl)BackingUtil.getMappingUtil();
                shortName = MappingUtilImpl.getClassNameByClassType(className); 
                identifier = mappingUtil.getPkPropertyByClassType(className);
                hql = "FROM " + shortName + " AS a WHERE a." + identifier + " = 
'" + id + "'";
                try {
                        object = HibernateTool.get(hql);
                        return object;
                } catch (PersistenceException e) {
                        throw new ConverterException();

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