
great thing...

Is there any documentation on that as well? Sean will not be pleased that the component didn't wander into the sandbox first ;)

By the way: I finally got a chance to very carefully look at the datatable implementation you provided, and I am very impressed by the work you did. The code is much cleaner now and everything works well with my existing applications. In German: "hut ab!" ;)



On 8/1/05, Mathias Broekelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It took some more time but now tomahawk has a new component called
x:column which can be used instead of h:column.

You can define dir, lang, title, style, styleclass, onclick, ondbclick,
onmouseover, onmouseout, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmousemove,
onkeypress, onkeydown and onkeyup for each cell, header and footer cells.

It will be available in the next nightly.


Mathias Broekelmann wrote:
> I will commit it into the tomahawk sources.
> Richard Wallace schrieb:
>>Sounds awesome!  Where will you be committing it to?  Sandbox or Tomahawk?
>>Broekelmann, Mathias wrote:
>>>I´ve create a special column component which allows you to define
>>>different styles and more for the cells.
>>>It just needs some testing. I think I will have commited it tomorrow.
>>>Best Regards,
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Richard Wallace [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent:
>>>>Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:42 PM
>>>>To: MyFaces Discussion
>>>>Subject: Re: Variable cell style classes in data table
>>>>Alright, well my back is sort of up against a wall now.  I had
>>>>thought I could figure out an alternative for now but I was wrong.  I
>>>>had thought that wrapping the column data in a div and setting the
>>>>width and height to fill the cell would allow me to change the
>>>>background color on a per cell basis.  And it does, but with a big
>>>>but.  Apparently you can't use vertical alignment on block level
>>>>elements.  So, rather than the text being centered vertically and
>>>>horizontally as it needs to be, it's up at the top of the cell.
>>>>We've tried several workarounds, none of which seem to work quite right.
>>>>So, I'm back to needing to set table cell style classes based on the
>>>>content of the cell.  I looked at maybe modifying the data table so
>>>>that the column classes attribute could be a list of EL statements
>>>>that get interpreted when each cell is rendered, but they are
>>>>interpreted instead when the table itself is created it looks like,
>>>>so that's out.  I'm not sure what could be the best way to do it now,
>>>>maybe create a new facet type named "style" or "styleClass" for the
>>>>column component.
>>>>This is my first bout at trying to create custom components, so I'm
>>>>not sure what that would involve, but I'm more than willing to give
>>>>it a shot if someone could maybe give me some advice.
>>>>Richard Wallace wrote:
>>>>>Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) wrote:
>>>>>>I did something similar, but I just needed to render an
>>>>image according
>>>>>>the content of a field.
>>>>>>I ended up writing a Lookup-image component. Nothing complicated.
>>>>>>hope this helps
>>>>>>PS: I'll be offline for a week!  But after august 2nd i can scetch
>>>>>>up a component that does this trick, if you can wait till then.
>>>>>Sounds good.  I can probably figure something out until
>>>>then.  Thanks
>>>>>a ton.
>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: Richard Wallace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent:
>>>>>>Monday, July 25, 2005 7:52 PM
>>>>>>To: MyFaces Discussion
>>>>>>Subject: Variable cell style classes in data table
>>>>>>Hey everyone,
>>>>>>I've got a report that I'm displaying with <h:dataTable>.
>>>>>>on the value to be displayed the background color of the
>>>>cell should
>>>>>>be a different shade.  So for low values, it'd be like a
>>>>really light
>>>>>>yellow, for high values it'd be a much darker yellow, etc.
>>>>Any ideas
>>>>>>on how I can accomplish this with MyFaces?
>>>>>>I had sort of hoped that something like the following would work:
>>>>>><h:column styleClass="#{reportHandler.styleClass }">
>>>>>>But, as I found out, styleClass isn't a valid attribute for the
>>>>>><h:column> element.
>>>>>>Any ideas?  Am I stuck rendering this sucker with plain
>>>>old JSP and

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