On 8/24/05, David Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rick Hightower does this in his "Clearing the FUD about JSF"

He has the XyzBeand and XyzController with the controller containing:

XyzBean xyzBean = new XyzBean();

and then supporting the methods etc. via xyzBean.method() calls. His
Controller is your Action.

See his extremely fine articles for more details.

No offence, but I've looked at that article and it doesn't even remotely address what this thread is asking about

My question was in reference to using two managed beans one as your typical "action/controller" and one as your "value object."

Even discarding this question and going back to the original question, Hightower's article does not address the issue at hand. In case some have lost the initial thread question...

Imagine you need to perform tasks on an Employee - saveEmployee, getEmployee, etc. Yet, after getting an employee from the backend, you will then also need a reference to this employee object that you returned from the backend for use on your page. Someone previously mentioned use getEmployeeAction (does the business delegate call) and getEmployee (returns the instance of the Employee object from your backing bean). Hightower's example is dealing with a calculator and performing calculator operations - not returning a cacluator for use in the view..

I really wish there was a simple example dealing with CRUD stuff. I'm in the process of writing one, but I'm surprised there isn't one out there already.


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