FYI, Looks like there's a bug in JSF.  See

Hope this helps anyone else who may be running into this problem.

On 8/24/05, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm attempting to convert working Sun JSF RI application to MyFaces
> containing many h:commandLinks with nested f:param tags.
> For some reason most but not all of my commandLinks no longer execute
> the action method when my session has expired.  I'm not sure why some
> work and others don't anymore with MyFaces.  Can't determine the
> difference but behavior is inconsistent even within the same h:form
> tag.  Instead, framework goes straight back to the same jsp page for
> many of my commandLinks without giving me a chance to do anything in
> the action method.
> I've tried various configurations of the type attribute (button,
> submit).  Tried commandButton.  Also tried various
> org.apache.myfaces.DETECT_JAVASCRIPT and
> org.apache.myfaces.ALLOW_JAVASCRIPT parameter settings in web.xml.
> What am I missing?  Anyone have any ideas why my action methods aren't
> getting called after my session has expired?
> Thanks,
> Ken

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