String paramMenuAction = (String)request.getParameter

---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 09:54:43 +0200
>From: "Felix Japs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Re: tree2 binding  
>To: "'MyFaces Discussion'" <>
>> <f:facet name="document">
>>                   <h:panelGroup>
>>                     <h:commandLink immediate="true" 
>> styleClass="#{sbNavigatorTreeBean.nodeSelected ?
>> 'documentSelected':'document'}"
>> actionListener="#{sbNavigatorTreeBean.setNodeSelected}"
>> action="#{sbNavigatorTreeBean.menuAction}">
>>                       <h:graphicImage 
>> style="border='0'"/>
>>                       <f:param name="paramMenuAction"
>> value="#{node.identifier}" />
>>                       <h:outputText value="#
>>                     </h:commandLink>
>>                   </h:panelGroup>
>>                 </f:facet>
>> The param will provide the id of the node when it is 
>I retrieved the currently selected node id with this lines 
of code:
>HtmlCommandLink link = (HtmlCommandLink) e.getComponent();
>                                        getCurrentInstance
>but how can I retrieve the value of the f:param 
name="paramMenuAction" in my
>managed bean?
Dennis Byrne

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