
your may try for debugging:

1. remove "<from-view-id>/LODetails.jsp</from-view-id>" (is not needed for this test)

2. set action="viewuserratings" directly, instead of the bean method

3. check if the container really update your modified web-application (how do you deploy?)


Dexter Wong wrote:

your sample worked for me. I am using
jboss 4.0.2
java 1.5.004
windows xp

I make some changes
0. changed files from *.jsf to *.jsp
1. my config files looks like

2. The LODetails.jsp is not using a resource file

On 9/13/05, *Matthias Klein* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Actually, I did both but it did not change anything.

    Here the more complete excerpts from faces-config:


            <description>Backing-Bean for LODetails.</description>


    Something like that I did.
    But still - pressing the button does not do anything at all

    So I am wondering if I did something wrong or if that is a



    -----Original Message-----
    From: hicham abassi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
    Sent: Dienstag, 13. September 2005 12:59
    To: MyFaces Discussion
    Subject: Re: [newbie] Navigation does not work

    1/ it seems that yo don't declared your bean LODetailsBackingBean into
    faces-config.xml 2/ you don't declared a string outcome
    viewuserratings for
    view-id LODetails.jsf

    2005/9/13, Matthias Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
     > I have started to create a simple MyFaces-App and encountered a
     > problem with the navigation:
     > Pressing a button does not do anything.
     > Some code sniplets:
     > -------------------------
     > Page1:
     > <%@ page language="java" %>
     > <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"; prefix="h" %> <%@
     > uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core <http://java.sun.com/jsf/core>"
    prefix="f" %> <f:loadBundle
     > basename="ca.gc.nrc.iit.toml.frontend.bundles.LODetails"
     > var="MessageBundle"/>
     > <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     >         <body>
     >             <f:view>
     >                 <h:form id="LODetailsForm">
     >                                 <table>
     >                                         <tbody>
     >                                                 [..]
     >                                                         <td>
     >                                 <h:commandButton id="viewuserratings"
     > action="#{LODetailsBackingBean.viewUserRatings}"
     > value="#{MessageBundle.viewratingsbuttonlabel}" />
     >                                                         </td>
     >                                                 [..]
     >                 </h:form>
     >             </f:view>
     >         </body>
     > </html>
     > -----------------------------------
     > Excerpt from faces-config:
     >         <navigation-rule>
     >         <from-view-id>/LODetails.jsf</from-view-id>
     >         <navigation-case>
     >             <to-view-id>/LORatings.jsf</to-view-id>
     >         </navigation-case>
     >     </navigation-rule>
     > -------------------------------------
     > Part of LODetailsBackingBean.java:
     > public String viewUserRatings() {
     >                 return "viewuserratings";
     >         }
     > I deployed that on Tomcat 5.5.9 with J2SDK 1.5.0_04 through
    MyEclipse IDE
     > I see the page1 but when I press the button, nothing happens.
     > Why?
     > Thanks a lot
     > Matt


    hicham ABASSI

Dipl.-Math. Udo Schnurpfeil - Executive Officer - Atanion GmbH
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