I would love to use the JSCookMenu, but I'm apparently too dumb to make
it work.  I started out with these steps:

1. Grabbed the latest nightly build.
2. Set up a menu file with the component using a standard theme.
3. Included the menu file in my page via <jsp:include>.

The page loads fine, but the menu is not visible.  Viewing the page
source reveals the JavaScript, but the browser throws a "cmDraw is not
defined" error.

After browsing the archives, I found mentions of the <filter> and
<filter-mapping> entries for an Extensions Filter in my web.xml, so I
copied those portions verbatim from the "simple.war" web app.

When I run the app, I get a "page not found" error.  The only thing I've
noticed out of the ordinary in the console output is "FINE: Found no URL
patterns mapping to FacesServlet"

I'm wondering if the filter mapping of: /faces/* is conflicting with my
servlet mapping of the same.

Has anyone beaten their head on this wall before?



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