Conway. Fintan (IT Solutions) wrote:
> Hi Ted,
> Does the Web Tool Platform plugin have a JSF GUI tool?  If it has I
> would be very interested in using it.
> Many thanks,
> Fintan
Not yet, Oracle under the umbrella of Eclipse started an initiative
recently, but currently Nitrox, Exadel and MyEclipse have something.
Nitrox and Exadel are probably better in this area since MyEclipse just
introduct it and it is rather basic, while Exadels is pretty good.

Exadel is based currently on the 0.8 WTP while MyEclipse currently is
based on an older version.
I cannot comment anything on Nitrox, due to not being able to personally
justify the price for private and MyFaces purposes :-)

It simply is too expensive for hobbyist and small projects coding. Bea
should really do something there, otherwise they will lose the market in
the long run.

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