Hi Volker!

I'm currently implementing a Web-GUI for an application generated from a
UML-meta-model. To model a 1:n or m:n relationship (general associations
or compositions), I use a table, and additional Add- and Remove buttons.
Now there are constraints on the association ends, like X must have at
least a and at most b relations to Y, when committing. Thus the table
needs to be validated.

I went for Mike's approach, generating a hidden input field below each
table and a error message above. In the bean I needed to generate an
additional getXXXSize method, because I didn't know how to reference the
size method of the list using EL.

It works :-)

Thanks everyone!

Volker Weber wrote:
> Hello,
> i don't understand your intention.
> The purpose of a validator is to validate user input. Correct me if i'm
> wrong, but as i know it isn't possible for the user to change the
> rowcount of a datatable on client side. So what did you want to validate?
> regards
>    Volker
>>> Hello Everyone!
>>> I see, that custom validators are used together with
>>> EditableValueHolders. I need to test weather the number of rows in a
>>> DataTable matches a given constraint. Is there any way to add a
>>> Validator to a DataTable?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Navid

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