Mathias Brökelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/31/2005 08:35:43 AM:

> the problem is a little bit tricky ;)
> If you use preserveDataModel="true" the value of your datamodel is not
> requested until in the renderphase and will not be used for iteration
> and setting rowindex. This is the reason why you don´t get a valid
> value for your rowindex and rowdata in process application phase. I
> suggest you to change your jsp/bean code into one of the following
> way:
> - implement your action method into a WfAssignment wrapper class and
> use instances of it in your datamodel. Change your jsp code to call
> this action method in the wrapped class.
> - don´t use preserveDataModel and make sure that your getter method of
> the datamodel returns a non null or empty value during the decode
> phase.
> - provide a setter method for your datamodel. This method is being
> called in the update model phase to set the preserved datamodel. The
> preserved datamodel will only contain the values for the rendered
> page.

For the sake of completeness of this thread, I want to let you know a combination of your suggestions worked Mathias.:) I didn't use preserveDatModel and also provided a setter for my datamodel - and now the rowIndex is calculated correctly and things work great!

Thank you again for yout time!

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