
I use a method for valueChangeListeners of selectOneMenu and other multi
choice tags. In the valueChangeListeners method, I can set the state of
boolean variables, which are used in the JSF site in attributes like
disabled and rendered of some tags.

A valueChangeListener method is invoked when the value of the related tag
changes, which causes a submit of the form. The problem is, that some tags
are below the fold, and when the form is submitted because of a value change
and then redisplayed again, the site is scrolled to top, and the user has to
scroll down to the component, where he changed the value.

Does somebody know if it is possible to redisplay the site with the
scrolling state previoulsy used? (I know that I could alternatively set the
disabled and rendered states of the tags by using client-side JavaScript,
without submitting the form and changing the scrolling state, but that's
more work and doesn't use the server-side facilities).


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