<dataList> does not allow preserveDataModel attribute.
If I simply change dataList to dataTable, it will work. But the layout is not what I want.
I like all data to be rendered in one line.
I used Eclipse debugger to trace server side. During restore view phase, the data
#{bean.list} was restored using <saveState>. During Apply Request Values Phase, the bean.getList() was called. I do not know why it was called.
Anyway the list data was available during Invoke application phase. but the method binding were not called.
Thanks for any idea.

Dennis Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
An action will not fire if the action source i s not rendered
on the *current* request, regardless of the fact that it was
rendered on the last request. In your case, #{bean.list} is
probably in request scope, and it is simply being rebuilt too
late in the request cycle (in the invoke application phase if
you are doing this in an action method).

You can probably solve this using preserveDataModel=true, or
by preserving your list with t:saveState.

---- Original message ----
>Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 17:33:24 -0800 (PST)
>Subject: does not work inside
> or inside a
> does not work. Its action listener and
> action binding method were not called.
> any one has experienced the same issue? Thanks.
> > styleClass="standardList"
> var="x"
> value="#{bean.list}"
> layout="simple"
> rowCountVar="rowCount"
> rowIndexVar="rowIndex">
> > actionListener="#{bean.listener}"
> action=""/>

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