I didn't see the blog entry, but the donation was officially announced at 
JavaPolis by Jonas Jacobi, John Fallows and Martin Marinschek and at apachecon 
in San Diego (by someone else :)..
Besides the contribution, I think Jonas and John will be a great addition to 
the Apache / Apache MyFaces community!


Simon Kitching wrote:
Yep, it was there. And now it's gone. Presumably the few hundred people there at the presentation also saw it.

I'm guessing it's just a matter of Oracle wanting the initial announcement to be from their PR department rather than on a blog. Personally, I'd prefer to hear it direct from someone who actually *created* ADF rather than a PR hack but we all know corporates...

Hopefully it's all for real and the "official" announcement will come out shortly. The ADF library looks very cool, though properly integrating with MyFaces in both technical and social senses is likely to be a big job....

Nicklas Karlsson wrote:

Umm. Where did the fresh entry about Oracle donating 100+ JSF components from ADF Faces to the "MyFaces Cherokee"-project go? There was a mentioning that the offical documents hadn't been signed yet. Did anyone else see it before it vanished?

On 12/13/05, *Nicklas Karlsson* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Any more information on this?


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