Good idea,

if I have some time i will create a transport maven plugin.
Can you move the maven archetype stuff from the test repository to the real repository?



Sean Schofield schrieb:
Maybe a simple ssh script to publish them manually (using cron?)  The
builds can be automated by continuum of course.  We just have the cron
"publish" what's left behind.


On 1/20/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For now I'm using it to publish the nightlies.  I know its a hack but
we need to get the nightlies working again ASAP.  I just changed the
"snapshot" repository to be the nightly build directory.

You are right though, something like a transport (or publish) plugin
would be nice.  Let me know if you come up with something ...


On 1/20/06, Bernd Bohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Sean,

the distributionManagement section is for the artifact distribution
management. Not for the distribution of an assembly.

Maybe a distribution/transport plugin exists.



Sean Schofield schrieb:

Wrong list.  Meant to post to the *maven* users list.  As you can see
I am still working on our nightly builds.  This process should be
finished over the weekend.


On 1/20/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to publish our project's nightly builds using
assembly:assembly publish.  The resulting tarballs are published but
so are the poms and meta-data.xml.  Ideally this would not be
published as the end user does not care about such things.  They just
want to download the tarball.

Also, if possible I would like to omit the directory hiearchy when
publishing.  Its a pain to drill down through a fully qualified domain
name instead of just going directly to a "nightly" dir.  I thought
about giving a group id of just "nightly" but I would like to also use
the same assembly to publish the tarballs for official release.

Any Ideas?


Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Bohmann - Atanion GmbH - Software Development
Bismarckstr. 13, 26122 Oldenburg,
phone: +49 441 4082312, mobile: +49 173 8839471, fax: +49 441 4082333

Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Bohmann - Atanion GmbH - Software Development
Bismarckstr. 13, 26122 Oldenburg,
phone: +49 441 4082312, mobile: +49 173 8839471, fax: +49 441 4082333

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