Hi Laurie,

Laurie Harper wrote:
> Thanks for the response, but that's not what I'm trying to do. I don't
> need to locate and invoke an existing command link; I don't have a
> command link to invoke. I need to achieve the same effect as clicking a
> command link would give.
> In other words, I need to write a Javascript function which, when
> invoked, does the same thing the onClick handler a commandLink generates
> would do.
> The best I can come up with so far is to create a custom component which
> extends HtmlCommandLink and overrides the encode/decode methods, but
> creating a whole new component just to be able to create Javascript
> onClick handlers seems rather excessive.

To invoke a action on the server you need to have a component, because
the event is created inside the decode of the component.

On the client side you need the cliendId of this Component to do the
same thing as a onClick handler of a commandLink would do.


> L.

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