How do I put the object disponible to JSF? I tried to put the object in the session, but I could not access in JSF like other JSF beans.

On 2/2/06, Pierpaolo Follia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You can get the object from the facescontext using FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("YOUR_OBJECT")


Vladimir Coutinho wrote:
There is a way to put this object disponible in facescontext?

On 2/1/06, Pierpaolo Follia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
use an _expression_ like #{sessionScope.YOUR_OBJECT_HERE.YOUR_PROPERTY_HERE}


Vladimir Coutinho wrote:
> How to use in a jsf page a session object created in a jsp page?
> --
> Vladimir M Coutinho

Pierpaolo Follia
Wave S.r.l. - Vai Benaco 24/B, Bedizzole (BS)
Telefono: +39 030 687561
Fax: +39 030 6875690

Vladimir M Coutinho

Pierpaolo Follia
Wave S.r.l. - Vai Benaco 24/B, Bedizzole (BS)
Telefono: +39 030 687561
Fax: +39 030 6875690

Vladimir M Coutinho

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