No clue.

JSPX is not the problem, I'm using JSPX a lot in my current project.
Can you do some debuggin by checking into FacesServlet and going
through the lifecycle?



On 2/8/06, ::SammyRulez:: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a siple page like this
> <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="";
> xmlns="";
>           xmlns:h="";
>           xmlns:f="";
>           version="2.0">
> <f:view>
>  <html xmlns=""; lang="it" xml:lang="it">
>   <head><title>Simple jspx page</title></head>
>   <body>
>     <h:form id="linkame">
>            <h:commandLink action="#{myback.doit}" immediate="true">
>                        <f:param name="pnum" value="200590802524177"/>
>                        <h:outputText value="view"/>
>                 </h:commandLink>
>        </h:form>
>   </body>
> </html>
>     </f:view>
> </jsp:root>
> and this is the genereted html
> <html xmlns=""; xml:lang="it"
> lang="it"><head><title>Simple jspx page</title></head>
> <body>
> <form id="linkame" name="linkame" method="post"
> action="/bollette_client/jsp/test2.faces"
>       enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"><a href="#"
> onclick="clear_linkame();document.forms['linkame'].elements['linkame:_link_hidden_'].value='linkame:_id0';document.forms['linkame'].elements['numeroFattura'].value='200590802524177';if(document.forms['linkame'].onsubmit){document.forms['linkame'].onsubmit();}document.forms['linkame'].submit();return
> false;"
> id="linkame:_id0">visualizza</a><input type="hidden"
>                      name="linkame_SUBMIT"
>                      value="1"/><input
>         type="hidden" name="linkame:_link_hidden_"/><input
> type="hidden" name="numeroFattura"/><script
>         type="text/javascript"><!--
> function clear_linkame() {
>   var f = document.forms['linkame'];
>   f.elements['linkame:_link_hidden_'].value='';
>   f.elements['numeroFattura'].value='';
> }
> clear_linkame();
> --></script></form>
> </body></html>
> the command link is not working.. it is displaied but when clicked do
> not submit the form...
> any ideas?
> --
> ::SammyRulez::


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