After having done several native MyFaces application implementations,
I'm just starting to do initial research into Shale.  The motivation to
do this is that, from my understanding, Shale offers a framework
allowing relatively painless debugging of JSF actions.

I noticed on the site that Shale provides support for multi-screen
"conversations" via its Dialog Manager.  Can someone comment on how
using this compares to using <t:saveState>?  Are there situations in
which using one is preferred to using the other?

They do rather different things. t:saveState allows you to 'attach' arbitrary data to the saved view state, effectively allowing you to preserve backing bean state or other data across requests.

Shale Dialogs is more like a simple workflow management framework; it allows you to describe a series of states and state transitions that represent a 'dialog' between the user and your application. I think Shale Dialogs and Spring Webflow are pretty similar in intent, if the comparison helps.

Also, what other benefits (or drawbacks) can I expect from using Shale?
(I probably should ask this in the Shale user group, but I figured
people in this user group would have some interesting feedback as well.)

Shale is a 'value added' framework for JSF; in other words, it adds various useful features on top of what JSF already provides. For an overview of what's available, see the Shale Features section of the project site:


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